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History Repeating: Integration of Intangible Cultural Heritage & Ruins + Tourism Performance & Works
Apr 14, 2023

Ministry of Culture and Tourism propose seven important tasks according to the notice of promoting the deep integration of cultural heritage and tourism, including strengthening the sorting out of projects, highlighting the characteristics of categories, integrating into tourism space, enriching tourism products, setting up experience bases, protecting cultural ecology and cultivating characteristic lines. They aim to adhere to build tourism with culture and commending culture with tourism and firmly grasp the laws and characteristics of intangible cultural heritage protection and inheritance and tourism development. On the premise of effective protection, we will promote the integration of intangible cultural heritage and tourism in a wider range, at a deeper level and at a higher level, and make tourism an important carrier to carry forward the traditional Chinese culture, constantly forge a sense of national community, promote the all-round development of people, and serve the people's high-quality life of the people.

 In recent years, some countries and regions actively explore the intangible and the depth of the integration and tourism development, the heritage and monuments, performing arts and other tourism resources, build a batch of distinctive and influential cultural tourism products for intangible protection and heritage provides a new platform and way, also provides tourists with a more rich tourism experience. International intangible cultural heritage and historic sites are not only the witness of history, but also the crystallization of human civilization, which have irreplaceable historical and cultural values. Compared with historic sites, intangible cultural heritage is more fragile and easy to lose, and it is facing the danger of extinction and forgetting. How to effectively protect, inherit and develop intangible cultural heritage and historic sites, so that they live in the present and HOT in the present, has become a common task for all countries in the world. 

There are many exploration and practices on the integration of intangible cultural heritage and historic sites with tourism works around the world. The following are typical examples of some countries integrating intangible cultural heritage with historic sites, cultural tourism and performance works to repeat the history:

Cambodia: Smile of Angkor

Angkor, the original name is Vrah Vishnulok, meaning "Vishnu temple", the ancient books of Chinese Buddhism called it as "Hong Sang Buddha homes". It is the world cultural heritage in Cambodia and a great miracle in the history of human architecture, covering more than 400 acres, and is considered by the Guinness World Records to be the largest religious building in the world.

Image sourced from the internet

Smile of Angkor is one of the key cultural projects supported by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism for "the Belt and Road". In terms of content, plot, music, dance, costumes and props, authentic Cambodian native elements are adopted, and the traditional essence of Cambodian culture and art such as Binbo music, Bobo Dao martial arts, fairy dance, peacock dance, monkey dance, Shiva dance and candlelight dance are integrated. The audience experiences the mystery of the millennium of Angkor, the rise and fall of the dynasty, the cycle of life, the contest of good and evil; and experiences the splendid culture of the heyday of Angkor dynasty in the history of Cambodia. The history of wugo dynasty is the first time in epic dance drama art representation, coupled with the use of modern sound and light technology, enhance the artistic appeal and appeal, realize the ideological content, artistic, ornamental, history and dream, distant and today have skillfully combined, with the highest technology expressed the original culture, all the myths on the Angkor temple relief.

Canada: Aura at the Notre-Dame Basilica

Image sourced from the internet

The Cathedral of Montreal in Canada is the largest church in North America. It is said to be built in the style of Notre Dame in Paris, France, so people affectionately call it "Notre Dame in Paris". "The Halo of Notre Dame Cathedral" opens up the multiple senses of the body through dynamic light and immersive scenes, gradually immersed in the charming universe of light and sound, and feeling an ethereal journey of light and shadow. The projection of the roof and the lights echo, always impacting the visual nerve of tourists. Lighting, projections, and mirrors fill the entire space, creating grand and far-reaching overall effects. Through sound, light, electricity and other multimedia technology and the fusion of architectural art, in the church architecture and sanctification art at the same time, also vividly described the historical spirit of Montreal, let people to understand the traditional architectural technology and the extensive and profound history and culture, inspire people from different angles to feel the beauty of architecture and the depth of history and culture.

Regalia: At the Heart of Reims Heritage

Image sourced from the internet

The Church of the Dame is the most beautiful Gothic church in France. The coronation of the French king is often held in the Church of Reimes, so the church was become the "most noble royal church", where 25 French monarchs were crowned here. "Repeat the Coronation Ceremony of the King of France" is an immersive multimedia sensory experience held in the Cathedral of Reims, France. From the Cathedral, it provides interesting interactive experience. With the experience of the projection technology, the audience and tourists are immersed in the emotion and ceremony of the king coronation, experience the limitations of time, space and form, and combining the magic of video projection, music and interaction, to bring the king coronation and celebration night to life. This experience is designed to highlight the cultural heritage of the city of Lance and respect the religious, historical and cultural heritage of the heritage site, while also providing a spectacular and modern creative representation.

China: Egrets Chasing Light

The history of the Qinhuai Lantern Festival can be traced back to the Southern Dynasty. It is one of the first national intangible cultural heritage. It has always been a folk activity for the people of Nanjing to bid farewell to the old year and usher in the new and pray for good luck. Egrets Chasing Light is an innovation and breakthrough of the traditional Lantern Festival in the traditional cultural content and presentation form, which integrates intelligent light and shadow, artistic content and cutting-edge application.

Egrets Chasing Light tells how egrets follow the beautiful light of the Qinhuai Lantern Festival and come to such a psychedelic place. They turned into raindrops, starlight, dust, light, flowers and leaves and other bits of nature. They accompanied the audience, so that the audience can feel the magic of "looking for her in the crowd once and again" in the maze of light jourey in the process of watching and interacting.

With Egrets Island has a long history as the soul, in the Qinhuai River rich culture as the bottom, using the modern digital multimedia technology, with 3D holographic projection technology, water dance sound light show form, the integration of the scenic history and culture, natural scenery, folk culture, characteristic architectural culture through the sound of photoelectric visual form, the egret island park into "beside Qinhuai light" theme light park, realize the six dynasties history, let six dynasties fully integrated into the objective, feeling, product, music of every process. The immersive theme night tour project "Egret Chasing Light" will build a large light and shadow device "Egret Labyrinth" in the park, create the Qinhuai Lantern and shadow park, create a large-scale real performance, and reproduce the bustling style of Qinhuai through the "paddle sound, light and shadow".

The above several cases show the local intangible cultural heritage and culture to the tourists in innovative ways and fascinating ways, providing an unforgettable experience for the audience and an accessible experience for the latecomers. In the current era background, intangible and ancient relics can not only limited to the traditional scenic area theme culture packaging, not too big, text brigade fusion is just a bright spot of culture and tourism industry, culture, tourism industry and related elements to mutual penetration, cross integration and reorganization, from the overall perspective of the development of culture and tourism, through the depth of cultural sublimation tourism experience, the tourism experience as the carrier of cultural communication derivatives, so as to realize the coordinated development of culture and tourism.

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